Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Can't wait for Halloween!

Halloween is tomorrow!

The kids are excited. They've been couting down the days for
the past couple weeks already...lol :)

What are your kids gonna be for Halloween?
Are you dressing up too?

Mimi wanted to be a princess, so she chose to be
Rapunzel from Tangled.

Bub wanted to be Hawkeye from The Avengers movie.
We couldn't find the costume at Party City or Walmart,
so I decided that his costume would be "handmade" this year.

Off to savers we went to find things for his costume.
I think we did an awesome job. :)

I also asked my mom's bf to make his bow and arrrows.
It came out bigger than i thought,
but it's still awesome.

I handmade the arm band things and I sewed on the hawkeye
emblem on the vest. So, his whole costume is thrifted and handmade. :)

Here is the link for the PVC Bow & Arrows

Vest: Thrifted
Pants: Thrifted
Sunglasses: Thrifted
Arm bands: Handmade
Bow & Arrows: Handmade (pvc/wooded dowels)
Quiver for Arrows: Handmade

 Thrifters Anonymous

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